The only way to see the whole project at once. We take the technical floor plans from CAD and give them a realistic and intuitive look to the client. It helps in understanding the layout of each room and gives information on them, like measurements and areas.
The core of what we do.
Scrolling through a social network, driving by a billboard… In our day and age, a lot of times we only get a moment to catch somebody’s attention. Still images are the most effective and straightforward way to do that. It’s our way to show, promote and explain a project. It’s our way to turn future into reality.
A cinematic experience. It’s a way to tell a story and create a feeling. The viewer can get a deeper perception of what’s like actually being in that place, see multiple angles and understand the full picture. It extracts the full potential of the project.
Still images, animations and humanized floor plans are effective ways to present and explains projects. VR is different, it’s the way to ‘be in’ the project. It’s a virtual world in which we immerse the viewer and he can interact from his perspective. He looks where he wants to look, goes where he wants to go.
The art of turning concepts and ideas into visuals everyone can understand.
The art of turning concepts and ideas into visuals everyone can understand.